1. What are the kinds of situations that make you want to say to people, “Grow up”?
2. Read Ch.1:13-16. This paragraph is loaded with powerful truths. What are the phrases that stand out to you and why? How does clear thinking and self-control in v.13 relate to God’s holiness in v.16?
3. Read vs 17-20. Just from these verses, what do we learn about God?
4. Read vs 21-22. What do we learn about faith and love? Peter uses both Greek words for love here… “phileo and agape”. Why might he do this and what is he getting at? What makes this difficult to do?
5. Read 23-25. To the original recipients of this letter, who were suffering under Nero’s persecution, how might these verses encourage them? How do these verses encourage you?
6. Read 2:1-3. God wants us to grow. What are the things listed here that help or hurt our growth? When have you seen believers stagnate and when have you seen them really grow?
7. What phrase or truth from this study speaks to you? What is your “take- home” point?
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