An Interested Redeemer
1. As a kid, when do you remember purchasing something with your own money… something you really wanted… what were the circumstances?
2. Read Ruth 2:10-20. These verses cover a couple of hours. What do you imagine are the thoughts and emotions of the different characters… Ruth, Boaz & Naomi? What might each be thinking at this point?
3. In v.20 we are introduced to the concept of “family redeemers.” The Old Testament Law (Lev. 25:23-55) allowed for family members to “buy back” property or people sold into slavery to their original family lines. Discuss the practical nature of this law for ancient Israel.
4. Read 2 Corinthians 8:9 and I Peter 1:18,19. What do these verses say about the redemptive nature of the Gospel and how God deals with our sin-debt?
5. Back to Ruth… Read 2:20-23. What other details do we learn from these verses that show how the tide has turned for these 2 destitute widows?
6. The Gospel message is all about redemption. What do you most appreciate about having a Redeemer who was qualified, and willing and able to pay the full price for your soul? Discuss.
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