Widow on a Desert Road ~ Ruth Series (1:6-22)
1. What are some of the sad movies you can remember watching? What made them sad?
2. Read Ruth 1:6-13. In your own words, how would you summarize what is going on here? What makes this a sad scene?
3. Read vs. 14-17. What do we learn about Ruth from these verses?
4. When have you seen loyalty on display? Discuss why you think loyalty is such a compelling trait.
5. Read vs. 18-21.What do you like and what do you dis-like about Naomi’s interactions? When is honesty appropriate and when is it not?
6. Read vs. 22. The chapter ends with this last verse to set us up for what is to come. When in your life did you experience one sad chapter to be followed by a happier one? Explain.
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