1. When do you remember standing or walking in a very slippery place?
What were the circumstances?
2. Read Psalm 73:1-3. Here in Asaph’s opening statement we see a link between envy and drifting to a dangerous place. Discuss how this happens.
3. Read vs 4-12. Looking over these verses, where is Asaph’s focus? What phrases here could be applied to today’s celebrity culture?
4. Read vs 13-17. Discuss the various emotions in these verses. What is Asaph wrestling with? How is his wrestling resolved?
5. Read vs 21-22. What is Asaph doing here? Why is it helpful to recognize our own struggles? What can we learn from this?
6. Read vs 23-28. In this last section, Asaph ends much different than he started. What do you like here about his declaration? How is he contrasting God’s faithfulness and his own unfaithfulness?
7. In today’s world, what are the kinds of situations and stresses that produce struggles in our walks? What can we learn from Psalm 73?
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