Greetings all !
Just time for a couple reminders before the weekend is upon us again ! There are a lot of God-driven things going on in your lives, and I trust too that by God’s grace and help you are persevering through your trials. Thank you for the witness you are to me and to the world of people who are trusting and following the risen Lord of the Universe !
Discovering My Ministry 301 This Sunday
We have a very important conclusion to our adult 301 course this Sunday morning at 9:00. I hope you’ll be there. Our main focus – now that we’ve spent some time discovering our unique “shape” for ministry – will be to have a conversation about ministry opportunities and vision at Emmanuel. This is really where the rubber meets the road, so I hope to see you there. Even if you’ve missed one or more of the sessions of the 301 course, this conversation will be beneficial to you if you consider Emmanuel to be your church home. Thanks for your involvement ! Keep working on your SHAPE Personal Profile if you haven’t completed it yet !
A recap of our goals in the “Discovering My Ministry 301” class :
That I will discover my unique design for ministry and commit to develop and use my God-given gifts and abilities in serving God and others through my church family.
That I will select and begin serving in the ministry of my church that best expresses what God made me to be.
Pastor Jeff’s class for children ages 3-11, A Travel Guide Through The Parables, will continue this Sunday at 9:00 as well.
Lord willing, on March 9 our adults will break back up into two groups :
A continuation of the study in the Gospel of John, led by David Kiser.
A re-run of our 201 class : “Discovering Spiritual Maturity.” If you missed the 201 course last fall, this is your chance to catch up with the rest of the adults at Emmanuel, being changed from the inside out through the pursuit of habits that lead toward spiritual maturity.
By the way, did you know that Al Frank, our EFCA Central District Associate Superintendent, was so impressed by the adult class material we’re doing at Emmanuel this year that he’s considering encouraging its use in other E-Free churches and start-up churches he’s responsible for in Missouri ? Way to go ! So, I hope you’re not missing out on this series … would love to see you at 301 this Sunday, at 201 in March, and at 401 after Easter !
New Applicants for Membership at Emmanuel
The Elder Board is happy to announce that Brian and Anna Azevedo have completed the 101 membership course and have met with the elders concerning their desire to become members at Emmanuel. If there are others in the congregation who have completed the 101 membership course and are interested in membership, please let one of the pastors know, or let John Gloe, chair of the Elder Board, know.
Also, don’t forget that we are scheduled to have baptisms on Easter Sunday, April 20. If you’re interested in water baptism, please contact Pastors Tom or Jeff.
In Case of Bad Weather
Just a reminder that if Sunday worship should need to be canceled due to weather, there are two ways you can know that :
If Pastors Jeff or Tom have an up-to-date email address for you, you should receive an email early Sunday morning if church is canceled.
You may also check the church website – If church is canceled, there will be a special message to that effect on the website.
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9
Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles, so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may because of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of visitation. 1 Peter 2:12
Hope to see you Sunday !
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