It is amazing how quickly things can degenerate. Adam and Eve involved themselves in disobedience, and death.
The apple does not fall far from the tree.
Cain, as I John tells us later in the New Testament, that the deeds were unrighteous on Cain’s part; while Abel’s wasn’t, as they each gave an offering to the Lord ( Gen. 4:3-5). Coveting, anger, grew deep within Cain, and he killed his brother, even with God seeking to impede Cain (Gen. 4:6-7). The Cain train was humming. He saw, ill-desired, and disobeyed, and death literally occurred.
He murdered his brother.
Sounds familiar to what unfolded with his dad in Genesis 3. He saw, he took, disobeyed, and then death (also see James 1:14-15; Rom. 7).
It seems subtle and maybe unfair. But, God judges on what our hearts are, and what we know. That alone gets us in trouble.
Adam was simply told to not eat from a certain tree. Cain was told to bring something special before the Lord. Neither could obey. We need a Savior. God puts a mark on Cain to spare him (Gen. 4:15). God protects Cain from harm, even though he doesn’t deserve it.
God is kind.
Do you believe God is kind?
Do you perceive how quickly sin can get to you?
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