Hello Emmanuel Family !
Thank you so much for your prayers for the Senior Pastor search process and, specifically, for the great participation we had at last Sunday’s congregational meeting at which a Search Team was selected. As you probably know, that team consists of the following people :
Becky Aldrich
Rich Brune
Laura Maddox
Allison Roth
Lucas Schneider
Larry Shoemaker will serve alongside the team as a guide and liaison from the Elder Board. I’m so pleased with the team you’ve chosen. I see this as a direct answer to our prayers over the past several weeks for God’s involvement in the process, … and as such, it is, I believe, a kind of “deposit” of His intention to lead us through to the new Senior Pastor the church needs. I’m excited to think about what that person will be like who will lead Emmanuel in its next stage of development.
Please join me in praying regularly for this team ! Their task is a big one ! They will be doing a lot of the heavy lifting on our behalf. Let’s pray specifically for them in these early stages. Getting a handle on just where to begin the search process, and gaining some traction in it, … these are needs they will experience now. Thank you again !
Reminder …. Staff Meeting with David Viland, Monday, January 26, 6:00 pm
There are so many exciting things going on at Emmanuel these days ! We find ourselves in a busy and growing time, and at the same time we have to keep an eye on the future, anticipating (“setting the table” for) future ministry.
Monday’s Staff Meeting (which is open to anyone from Emmanuel who wants to attend, but especially ministry teams and leaders) is about having an eye on the future. David Viland will be our special guest and facilitator of the meeting. David is a consultant with Christian Investors Financial group, an arm of the Evangelical Free Church of America that helps churches better understand and practice the biblical concepts of stewardship and generosity. David will be helping us to evaluate what are possible financial and ministry goals for Emmanuel in the coming year(s). Church finances and church vision are closely linked. If our vision is for future ministry that is deeper and wider in its scope, we will have to be serious and discerning in our financial goals and in our giving. David’s going to help us with that. David was a key “cog” in Emmanuel’s original building campaign, and he is coming to us next week at no charge to us. I know from my previous experiences of being with David that you will leave our meeting with new ideas and a bigger vision for Emmanuel !
Do you need childcare during the meeting on the 26th ? If so, would you please let either me or Allison Roth know that ? We would like to provide adequate childcare, but if we don’t know there will be young children coming with you, we may not be able to prepare adequately. Thank you !
There will be a light meal (pizza ?) for those who come hungry. And don’t forget that if you or your ministry team would like to connect with David prior to the 6:00 meeting, he has some time available for you in the late afternoon Monday. Please let me know in advance (before Monday) if you would like to take advantage of that offer.
No Tuesday Noon Prayer this coming Tuesday, January 27.
Exceptionally, we will not have noon prayer this coming Tuesday, the 27th. We will pick up prayer together on February 3rd at noon. Thank you to those who have joined me and others on Tuesdays ! God delights in the prayers of His people … and uses them. Beyond that, you have been a personal encouragement to me. We would love to have others join us starting February 3rd at noon !
Who We Are at Emmanuel
Another great group of people is about to complete our 101 adult membership course, “Discovering Christ and the Church.” We have seven in our current group. With that course coming to an end this Sunday, and with all that we have going on in the church, it’s a good time to remind ourselves of our common commitments and goals. Read over the following qualities that make us who we are at Emmanuel. Then use these as you pray for Emmanuel’s people, ministries, and pastor search.
Emmanuel exists …
… to CELEBRATE God’s presence. (Worship)
… to DEMONSTRATE God’s love. (Ministry)
… to COMMUNICATE God’s Word. (Evangelism)
… to ASSIMILATE people into God’s family. (Fellowship)
… to EDUCATE God’s people. (Discipleship)
We believe a great commitment to the Great Commandments (love God ; love your neighbor) and to the Great Commission (make disciples) will make a great church !
8 Principles That Make Emmanuel Unique :
- a climate of acceptance
- authentic worship
- biblical preaching
- individual growth
- clear purpose
- everyone ministering
- servant leaders
- simple structure
The Emmanuel Commitments :
- We are committed to a relationship with Christ and the local church.
- We are committed to the habits that are necessary for spiritual growth.
- We are committed to using our God-given gifts and abilities to serve God and to serve others.
- We are committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with other people.
In addition, we commit ourselves to God and to each other by …
- acting in love
- refusing to gossip
- following our leaders
- praying for growth
- inviting the unchurched to attend
- warmly welcoming visitors
- discovering our gifts & talents
- being equipped to serve
- developing a servant’s heart
- attending faithfully
- living a godly life
- giving regularly.
See you Sunday !
Adult & Children’s classes & activities at 9:00.
Worship at 10:15. Continuation of our “Becoming a Contagious Christian” series. Part 3 : “What’s Your Story ?”
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