You made it !
I can hardly believe we will be at the end of 1 Peter this Sunday ! Way to go ! Eleven weeks working through this little letter. Wow, I would have never imagined we could have divided this letter up eleven different ways. “Faith Tested by Fire” … Overcoming adversity, trials, and persecution …
… and now, Peter’s conclusion ! I’m very excited about it. It’s one of those passages it feels like God has been working on in my mind and heart for much of my adult life. So many rich verses and promises as we get one final look at how to deal with adversity in our lives. You won’t want to miss it !
God has a plan and a timing for the seasons of our lives ! “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time” (1 Peter 5:6).
God is gladly willing to be the One on whom we lay all our anxieties ! “Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you” (5:7).
God is realistic about what’s going on in your life, … and He is not absent : “Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith !” (5:8).
The duration of the trial is limited, and the outcome for you will be God’s very best : “After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, … will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you” (5:10).
Sunday’s message will be relevant and challenging for any of us who have asked, “Where is God when bad things happen ?” I hope you’ll be there … Palm Sunday ! Hosanna in the highest !
9:00 – Adult Classes
Gospel of John
Conclusion of the 201 class, “Discovering Spiritual Maturity”
10:15 — Worship
Special Parenting Seminar in Columbia, with Dr. Judy Mumford
This Sunday evening Dr. Judy Mumford will be speaking at the Columbia Evangelical Free Church, 600 Silvey Street, from her new book, Beyond Rubber Duckies : Preparing Children for the Voyage of Life. Many of you remember Judy and Spence Mumford, longtime members of Columbia E-Free and friends of Emmanuel. Judy has spoken to, and helped, many in our congregation in regards to being better parents, and if you have the chance to make the drive to Columbia you will gain some helpful insights into topics such as :
Effective Communication
Intentional Discipline
and Biblical Socialization.
More information at
We might call our Easter celebration “Beyond Easter Bunnies” this year. There is going to be a lot of depth and a lot of celebration over the Easter weekend at Emmanuel. Hope you will join us and bring someone with you !
Friday, April 18, Seder Meal, 6:00 pm. This traditional Passover dinner will be linked to the meanings it pictures in Jesus Christ. Please sign up at the church if you haven’t already, or contact Lee or Keely Pettijohn.
Sunday, April 20 :
“Zoe” (“Life,” in Greek) – a time of worship and devotion led by Emmanuel’s youth at 8:00.
Easter breakfast at 9:00.
Baptismal service at 9:45. Plan to celebrate with those making a profession of faith in Christ.
Worship service at 10:15. Theme : “Life !” “He who has the Son has life” (1 John 5:12).
Need a Spiritual Wake-Up ?
Our 401 adult class, “Discovering My Mission,” will begin Sunday, April 27, at 9:00 and will run through May 18. It’s going to be four dynamic Sundays on the themes of witnessing and missions. If you’ve ever felt a little lethargic about your walk with the Lord, a challenge about being a witness both locally and worldwide is always a spiritual boost. And besides, the Lord himself commands us to communicate his Good News throughout all the world. We’re all in it together !
On those Sundays, Pastor Jeff will resume the class for 3-11 year-olds, “A Travel Guide Through the Parables.”
Those who have been part of the Gospel of John class are invited to join 401 for those four Sundays.
Greet one another with a kiss of love. Peace be to you all who are in Christ (1 Peter 5:14).
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