Flood waters rise, but it won’t wash away
Love never dies, it will hold on more fierce than graves
Maybe I am weird, but as I drive through parts of Hermann and see minor flooding in the city’s park, I have been overwhelmed by the power of water. When water comes, there is not much to do to contain it. Water can be a form to wash and make things pure, but it also can very quickly be destructive versus constructive.
This song above by Josh Garrels embodies the reality of, to really take care of our sins, we need the full force of flood waters to wash us clean, but it would destroy rather than renew. Jesus’ devotion holds on, and can rebuild and rehabilitate me because He took the full force of the flood waters and was destroyed so I wouldn’t have to be. Why? Love.
This ties into what was discussed among us at our annual youth team meeting recently. One of my favorite times of the year because we get to relish what God is doing/done at Emmanuel this past year, and wait upon what He will do this next year. Our theme verse for the year is Psalm 23:6: “surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.”
Will you join us to be praying for this specific promise of God’s devotion to not only our contact with families and youth for the next year, but also for our team, and for the church as a whole?
Some of the other things we discussed were needs and dreams.
Seedling needs: 1.) 2-3 more helpers to help tie shoes, with bathroom breaks, listen, have fun with Pre-School Age Kids. 2.) 1-2 more helper(s) to help with elementary age. To help with crowd control, play games, and teach bible lessons.
JAM needs: go-fers to help with copies, setting up snacks, cleaning up rooms afterwards.
Overflow needs: a core group leader to help plan studies, games, events for each semester.
Ignite needs: leaders to take on a group of 5 kids (gender specific) for the age range of older Seedling kids and younger JAM kids.
Growth group needs: leader(s) to teach an education class for adults during these youth nights. Very strategic as it is a point of contact for parents within the community. Topics: marriage, parenting, finances, apologetics, etc.
Dreams: A playground for elementary age kids on our church property–a space for this age group to have specifically tailored for them.
Children’s church during the message of the 10:15 service. A companion with the Engage worship packets. Again, a space for kids to have a message age specific crafted for them on Sunday mornings.
Lots of things to consider, but at least consider these two things: 1.) a luncheon after 10:15 service to discuss what goes in these youth and young family programs. The youth team is thinking of hosting such sometime later this summer. 2.) an open house that will serve as an open invitation to the church to come on a Wednesday night to experience what God is doing in these programs. This will probably occur in September.
Consider coming to at least one of these.
Lastly, pray for Winter Blast and Challenge for JAM and Overflow respectively. Big strategic events for youth in the upcoming year.
Events on the horizon!
-VBS the week of July 13-17th
– VBS kickoff BBQ and Pool Party Blowout on July 11th
Come join us at the fourth of July parade too. Look for the firetruck!
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