What has roots as nobody sees,
Is taller than trees,
Up, up it goes,
And yet never grows?
Think about this riddle and I will answer at the end.
I am preparing the children’s sermon for Sunday and thinking about Samson and riddles. And I have come to the conclusion that Samson’s story in Judges is a walking contradiction.
He rushes to want a woman who is “right” in his own eyes instead of God’s. Also, he obliterates a lion (a lion!), and in doing so, he defiles his Nazirite vow by touching a dead carcass and not going through the proper ritual cleansing he needed to do.
At the same time, he has a proper pace about him to ask riddles. Huh?
The common thread is that Samson had lots of weaknesses and issues.
Samson had anger issues. Samson had manipulative issues. Samson had pride.
However, Samson had a relationship with the Lord. A relationship where we have a God who keeps both sides of the relationship (His end, & our end too…because we are weak!).
You have that too.
All of what we do at Emmanuel is to foster that relationship. Jump in on any of these:
201, worship, study on Acts, kid’s time, JAM talent show this Sunday
prayer on Tuesday
Overflow & JAM this Wednesday
connect with Sticky Groups, an Ignite group, discipleship partner
Seedling that next Wednesday
Growth group on the topic of parenting this Fall
Women’s and Men’s Ministry
Thanksgiving Outreach through the Missions team. Help cook a meal for needy families.
Pack a Christmas box for Operation Christmas Child
And loads of other things that I am probably missing
Rounding Out the Calendar
Baby dedications this Sunday right after the service.
Seedling Christmas party on 12/3. Have your child bring items for the Community Christmas bags. Toiletries, clothes, toys. Items go to families in need in the Hermann community for Christmas.
Overflow get together next Friday (the 14th) up at church. Movies, games, food. Join the fun.
JAM & Overflow Christmas party on 12/10.
Men’s time at Wings on Sunday the 16th. Join us for a devotion, some prayer, and fellowship from 5:30-7:30 PM.
Also, THANK YOU for the wonderful gift for pastor’s appreciation. It means a lot to myself and our family during the Christmas season. God’s love does truly abound here at Emmanuel.
Answer: mountains
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